
Disturbed-FacadePerjantai 06.06.2008 12:47

No one knows
Just was has become of her
Shattered though desperate
Oh So Innocent
And delicate
But too damn moderate
To not admit to let go
broken down
hurt again
It never ends
Frightened and
did she fall again
an accident her eyes
Encircled in bl-ack again
I cant believe that she's still with him

For how long will you try?
How long until you walk away?
Your facade cant disguise
The fact that you're in misery.

Look inside
see what has become of her
hiding with-in again
can she pick herself up again
it's just too difficult and arduous to let go
flashes through her mind again
No more pain take control
If he raises his hand again
She'll find the freedom in killing him
The World will see that she's had enough

For how long will you try?
How long until you walk away?
Your facade cant disguise
The fact that you're in misery.

For how long will you try?
How long until you walk away?
From the look in your eyes
I know you bleed internally

For how long you deny?
How long until you walk away?
Your facade cant disguise
The fact that you're in misery.

For how long will you try?
How long until you walk away?
From the look in your eyes
I know you bleed internally

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