
Magic of love again.Maanantai 29.06.2009 03:02

It's the wrong kind of magic,
now you see him, no you don't.
Used to be he'd drop anything for me,
byt not lately, he won't.

He used to slay dragons,
to keep me from harm.
And come running,
to my open arms.

I want the magic of love again,
the look of longing in his eyes.
All the wonder and suprise,
of knowing that the best is yet to come.

I need the magic of love again,
give me a magic wand to wave.
Tell me the magic words to say,
to bring back the magic of love again.

No illusions,
he's man who has many dreams.
But it's so confusing,
to be always in between.

I wan't the magic of love again,
that subtle sourcery of the heart.
The fire his smile used to start,
that makes me feel I'll never get enough.
Give me a magic wand to wave,
repeat the miracle that gave us
the wonderful magic og love.

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