


Darkness is my life!!! ;)

M/S Starin laulu! xDTiistai 15.07.2008 07:56

Amberian Dawn - My only star

After a day turns into a night
I will light up my light in the sky
Don't shed a tear on the ground I once laid
Cause I'll be here

From your tears I'll make a crystal necklace
To surround my heart and my chest
I'll be up here and walk by your side
Day and night

Look at me
Me here among the stars
Walking on milky way
Part of the eternity

Shining bright in the dark blue sky
Shining your love – my light
Waiting for you to shine by side
Look, I am a star

Meet me in dreamland
come, take my hand
I will guide your way
Don't be afraid
Hold me in your arms never let go
And be my own

Just for tonight I'll be in your dreams
Then I'll exist only in the star streams
Remember me when you look at the night sky
As time goes by



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