


~I'm not worthless~

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(no Nooraa stalkkasin...)Torstai 13.12.2007 04:41

Is there somebody in your life that you could not survive without?

Who is the most beautiful person you know?
There is more than one...

Who in your life has hurt you the most?

Is there someone you know you should hate, but you cant?
nope, there is only one person I truly hate and yes, I can hate him very easily

Do you like someone as more than a friend right now?
mmmm... maybe... two actually... not talking about them..

What does your 10th most recent text say and who is it from?
"Uhh... niin kai sit xDD KAMEKAMEKAMEKAME!!!" from Marji-chan. löl

How often do you talk to this person?
...... aaaallllwaaayyyss~ x'D

Have you ever lost anybody close to you?

Is there anyone you trust even though you should not?
Don't think so... I'm not the person who trusts very easily

Who knows you best?
Have to say Marji-chan. Minna, Sanna and Tinde also

Ever given your all to someone who walked away?

Relationship or Hook-Up?

Few close friends or many acquaintances?
Few close friends <3

Ever had you heart broken?
Mmm... no...

Ever broken somebody else’s?
Yes, I have. Sorry <3

Ever love someone that wasn’t good for you?
I don't love (cruel, but true..)

How’s your heart lately?
Noooott very well, I guess. Cold and so

The last song you listened to?
Linkin Park - Papercut

What did you do yesterday?
Nothing really. Just work work work

Pick a scar on your body. Where'd it come from?
The one in my arm. Got it when I said "no" to him for a first time....

Who is your most religious friend?
mmmmm....... mmmmm... dunno O___O;; Marji-chan or Tinde

Who do you trust with your life?

If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
Won't tell ya~

What would you say if someone told you you were the most beautiful person in the world and they would do anything to wake up to your face each and every morning?
I probably would laugh my ass off...

What do you hate about your school?
I'm not student! >_<;;

Would you move to another country to be with the one you love?
YES! Bring me that horizon!

Name two things you would not tolerate in a relationship?
cheating and lying

Which one of your friends do you think would make a good prostitute?
O_____O;; No-one for God sake! Horrible question!

Are you afraid of falling in love?
......... What does it look like? HELL YEAH! >_>;;

Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new person?

Fill in the blank. I love _____.
many things

What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?
Move out from here to somewhere I can live only for me, where I don't have watch my back all the time, where I can finally breath.... and trust...

Honestly who’s on your mind right now?
DO.NOT.ASK. >_>;;

Shoe size?

What are you wearing right now?
trousers, t-shirt

Righty or Lefty?

Favourite pair of jeans?
I have two of them

favourite juice?
orange (plop-juice!!!)

Have you had the chicken pox?
A chicken WHAT?! O____O;;

Have you had a sore throat

Ever been in a fight with your pet?
My pets are swimming ones..... so no, I haven't

Ever been to Mexico?

Did you buy something yesterday?
Nope, I just took couple things... didn't pay them x'D

What are your plans for the weekend?
Mmmmm.... ;D Paaarttyyy~ \m/

Are you a forgiving person?
It depends....

Are you talking to someone while doing this?
to myself yes! xDDD

Where's the greatest place on earth?

What's the geekiest thing you own?
....... mmmm.... I don't think I really have any O__O;; PS?? Computer?? x'DDD

What school plays were you part of in elementary school?
I can't remember anymore O___O;; I was in few.. I was in snowwhite

What do you want to do with your life?
Mmm.. lots of things.

If a bear attacked you, would you know how to defend yourself?
I know what to do, but defend? No.... I'm not THAT good fighter! x'DDDDDD

Do you think it would be more fun to model or to shoot the photographs?
Mmmm... both are fun ^^ I've done both alot

Are you younger than 19?
Thank god no!

Have you ever kissed someone who’s name starts with a J?
Let me think for a while........... I might have..... I'm pretty sure I have...... YES! I have! I can remember!! x'DDDDDDD (kissed too many strangers?)

Do you have a crush on someone?

Are you in a relationship?

Do you like winter?
Only with snow, not without it

Do you like parties?

What was your first Msn?
Same as now

Do you like fruit?
only one?

How clean is your room?
My apartment looks...... pretty horrible right now, but usually it's clean. Now I'm just too lazy to do anything...

What are you excited for?
TOMORROOOOWWWW!!!! Paaarrttyyyyyy~

If you're single, why?
I think I'm just waiting........... and probably nothing will ever happen cause I live here, the other... too far away from here! (and I don't wanna let go......)

Things you first notice about the opposite sex:
Face, hair, arms, style

Do you tend to fall for people easily?
mmmm not really, I guess

What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
"O__O;;!! ....hottoa...." x'DDDDDD Marji-chan again...

Do you like talking on the phone?
yyeeaah~ (when I'm not too busy to do something else xDDDDD)

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 08.12.2007 04:52


Sinulle ei ole uusia kommentteja.

Näe Narnian tarinat - Prinssi Kaspian elokuvan traileri ensimmäisten joukossa!

Ei mitään uutta

... ei mitään uutta? x'DD

Noku oli pakkoTiistai 04.12.2007 01:19

[x] Olen lyhyt
[ ] Olen horoskoopiltani Vesimies
[x] Olen yrittänyt lopettaa tupakointia
[x] Yksi lempiväreistäni on punainen
[x] Lempieläimeni ovat koira ja kissa
[x] Inhokkiruokani on pavut
[x] Olen tyylikäs ja katson ulkonäön päälle
[ ] Siistin kotini joka päivä
[/] Olin koulussa malttamaton
[/] En halua mennä naimisiin
[ ] Haluaisin syntyä uudelleen mieheksi, koska se on niin coolia
[ ] Halusin olla pienenä palomies
[/] Olin ilkeä lapsi
[ ] Suurin viholliseni olen minä itse
[ ] Pudistelen päätäni muiden toiminnalle
[xxxxxxx] Olen da Pimp ja gangsta \,,/

yht. 8½

[ ] Olen pitkä
[ ] Olen horoskoopiltani Kaksoset
[x] Poltan
[x] Yksi lempiväreistäni on violetti
[x] Lempieläimiäni ovat mm. jääkarhu ja pingviini
[x] Inhokkiruokani ovat maksa ja aurajuusto
[/] Minua pidetään naisellisena ja reiteni ovat fanituksen kohde
[x] Istun lähes päivittäin baareissa
[x] Olin koulussa laiska enkä jaksanut oikein yrittää
[x] En halua mennä vielä naimisiin
[x] Haluaisin syntyä uudelleen miehenä, koska on vielä paljon asioita koettavana
[ ] Halusin olla pienenä jalkapallotähti
[x] Olin varas ala-asteella
[ ] Suurin viholliseni olen minä itse
[/] En ole kovin tunteellinen
[x] Olen auttamaton juoppo

yht. 11

[x] Minulla on huulilävistys
[ ] Olen horoskoopiltani Kauris
[x] Poltan, mutta olen harkinnut lopettamista
[x] Yksi lempiväreistäni on musta
[/] Lempieläimeni ovat kissa ja koira
[ ] Minulla ei ole inhokkiruokia
[ ] Olen vaatimaton ja tarkka rahan suhteen
[ ] Harrastan kitaransoittoa päivittäin
[ ] Olin koulussa kyvykäs
[/] Haluan mennä naimisiin, kun olen täyttänyt 30
[ ] Haluaisin syntyä uudelleen miehenä, koska pidän itsestäni sellaisena kuin olen
[x] Halusin olla pienenä moottoripyöräilijä
[ ] Olin kiltti lapsi
[ ] Suurin viholliseni olen minä itse
[/] En suutu koskaan... tai ainakin luulen niin
[x] Olen unikeko


[ ] Puolta naamaani peittää valkoinen nenäliina
[ ] Olen horoskoopiltani Kaksoset
[x] Poltan
[x] Yksi lempiväreistäni on valkoinen
[ ] Lempieläimeni on papukaija
[ ] Inhokkiruokani ovat vihannekset
[/] Asuntoni on sotkuinen enkä osaa laittaa ruokaa
[ ] Keräilen Sex Pistols - kamaa
[x] Olin koulussa rauhaton
[x] Haluan mennä naimisiin ehkä joskus
[x] Haluaisin syntyä uudelleen miehenä
[ ] Halusin olla pienenä lentäjä
[x] Sain pakit ensirakkaudeltani
[x] Suurin viholliseni on raha
[/] Olen macho ja treenaan salilla päivittäin
[x] Olen pervo


[x] Olen hento hippiäinen
[ ] Olen horoskoopiltani Skorpioni
[x] Poltan... mutta olen lopettamassa
[x] Yksi lempiväreistäni on hopea
[ ] Yksi lempieläimistäni on krokotiili
[ ] Inhokkiruokani ovat munakoiso ja perunat
[x] Osaan kokata
[ ] Keräilen Zippoja
[x] Olin koulussa hyväntuulinen ja energinen
[x] En halua vielä naimisiin, mutta joskus kyllä!
[/] Haluaisin syntyä uudelleen naisena, koska minulla on siihen muutamia syitä
[ ] Unohdin, miksi halusin tulla pienenä
[x] Nauroin, vaikka loukkasin pääni pienenä pahasti
[ ] Suurin viholliseni on heikko minäni
[x] Unohtelen paljon asioita
[ ] Minulla on Pandoran boksi


Oh! Urski da määään~

It's soooo priitttiiiiii~Keskiviikko 28.11.2007 17:28

Heräsin sit joskus yhentoista aikaan ku aurinko paisto silmiin >_<;; Mut onneks on nii muhku peitto, et sen sai sopivasti eteen ja sit jatkoin taas nukkumista.
Heräsin yheltä, totesin et on nii vitun hieno päivä, et pakko mennä ulos lenkille. Vaatteet niskaan ja lenkille. Vittu et oli ihanaaaaaaaa~ <3<3<3 Oikeesti parasta ikinä, ku asuu näin lähel kaikkee, mut silti just sen verran kaukana keskustasta, et voi kävellä lenkkipoluilla ja mennä merenrannalle. <3 I just love this!!!

Sit tulin takas himaa, heitin vaatteet lattialle ja olin menossa suihkuu. Avasin hanan ja EEEEWWWW!!! Keltasta vettä eeeewww! Äkkii soitto faijalle ja se luojan kiitos varmisti et siel tosiaan oli ollu vaa vesikatkos. Eli kukaan ei ollu kuseskellu mun juomaveteen.. x'DDDD Oli sit kiva pitää seuraavat 15 minuuttii kaikki hanat auki ja vaan oottaa et se kaikki paskavesi tuli ulos. >_>;; Onneks mullei oo erikseen vesilaskua! O__O;;

Mut......... nyt Spyro odottaa ;DDDDD

*mätkii pleikkaa nenä kiinni tv-ruudussa*

Party bitches!!!! <3Perjantai 23.11.2007 17:54

<3Torstai 22.11.2007 21:30

Closed off from love
I didnÂ’t need the pain
Once or twice was enough
And it was all in vain
Time starts to pass
Before you know it youÂ’re frozen

But something happened
For the very first time with you
My heart melted to the ground
Found something true
And everyoneÂ’s looking round
Thinking IÂ’m going crazy

But I donÂ’t care what they say
IÂ’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they donÂ’t know the truth
My heartÂ’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open

Trying hard not to hear
But they talk so loud
Their piercing sounds fill my ears
Try to fill me with doubt
Yet I know that the goal
Is to keep me from falling

But nothingÂ’s greater
Than the rest that comes with your embrace
And in this world of loneliness
I see your face
Yet everyone around me
Thinks that IÂ’m going crazy, maybe, maybe

But I donÂ’t care what they say
IÂ’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they donÂ’t know the truth
My heartÂ’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open

And itÂ’s draining all of me
Oh they find it hard to believe
IÂ’ll be wearing these scars
For everyone to see

I donÂ’t care what they say
IÂ’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they donÂ’t know the truth
My heartÂ’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love


Maybe we will meet again... </3

Do I even wanna know? >_>;;Torstai 22.11.2007 16:07

Ensivaikutelma syntyy 8 sekunnin aikana. Kerro millainen ensivaikutelma sinulla oli minusta ja kopioi sen jälkeen tämä omaan päiväkirjaasi, niin saat tietää mitä muut ovat ajatelleet sinusta.