
Myspazz quizTorstai 21.06.2007 04:29

1. First thing you wash in the shower?
- My face

2. What color is your favorite hoodie?
- Black. Shockingly!!!

3. Do you like coffee?
- Too much <3 I NEED it.

5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
- Tired, and in a bed-going mood.

6. What's the last letter of your crushÂ’s/partners name?
- erm, good question.... 'Y'

7. Do you say aim or a-i-m?
- Neither. It's MSN.

8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having.
- Erm...someone split up with their fiancee

9. Could you eat your favorite food everyday for a month and not get tired of it?
- Eew, no.

10. What are you craving?
- Love

11. Do you floss?
- No.

12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
- "Cabbage patch kids"

15. Would you dance with me to the taco song?
- What`s the taco song?

16. Have you ever counted to 1,000?
- No. And I doubt that I could.

17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
- Lick lick.

18. Do you use smileys?

19. How many bedrooms are in your house?
- 4

18. Have you ever met a celebrity?
- no.

21. Do you like cottage cheese?

22. WhatÂ’s the last song you had stuck in your head?
- Taivas lyö tulta.

23. How many countries have you visited?
- Cornwall (its NOT england), Wales, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Finland.

24. Are your parents strict?
- Not to me.

25. Would you go sky diving?
- No

26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
- Does he pay?

27. Would you throw potatoes at him?
- No. I'm 19 years old, not a baby.

30. Do you rent movies often?
- No

31. Describe what you're wearing right now?
- jeans, dress

34. Can you count backwards from 74?
- No.

35. Where are you going to be Saturday night?
- Hopefully well away from here.

36. Brown or white eggs?
- Eggs is eggs.

37. Like rap music?
- Yeah

38. Ever taken a train?
- Yes

39. Are diabetics cool?
- Why wouldn't they be?

40. If you could move things with your mind, would you show the world?
- I'd wind people up.

41. What day of the week is it?
- Wednesday. Finland is 2 hours in front of England.

42. What was your Lunch?
- Chinese food

43 What is your best friend doing tomorrow?
- We're going fishing.

45. Ever have cream puffs?
- No.

46. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
- No

47. So, how about them Yankees?
- iAmericans?!

50. What is your bus number for school?
- I'm too old for school

51. Is your hair curly?
- No

52. Last time you cried?
- 2 days ago.

53. Ever walked into a wall?
- No. Lamposts are my speciality

55. Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun?
- No.

56. Are you currently wearing socks?
- Nope.

57. Favorite time of the year?
- All seasons.

59. Are you a generally happy person?
- Sometimes.

60. Are you wearing jeans?
- Yes

61. The next person youÂ’ll hold hands withÂ… Will it mean anything?
- I hope so.

62. Do you sleep with the TV on?
- No

63. Have you ever drank alcohol straight from the bottle?
- No. I'm allergic to alcohol.

64. Do you think youÂ’re old?
- Older than some

65. Are you afraid of the dark?
- Sometimes.

66. Do you like your life right now?
- N-O

67. WhenÂ’s the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
- The other day actually.

68. Do you knock on wood?
- No

70. Can you hula hoop?
- No

71. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
- No

72. Do you have a job?
- I wish

73. Are you friends with your last ex?
- Not really, I saw him in the park yesterday though

74. What brands are you wearing?
- None

76. Have you ever crawled through a window?
- No

77. Can you handle the truth?
- I can and I want the truth only!

78. What was the most recent thing you bought?
- Can't remember

79. How often do you talk on the phone?
- Too often

80. Are you in a complicated relationship?
- Yes. Sans aucune doute.

81. Do you hate more than 3 people?
- Maybe

82. Have you ever tripped someone?
- Yeah.

83. Are you sarcastic?
- Very.

84. Have you ever slapped someone?
- Jes.

85. Do looks matter?
- Not always

86. Do you use chap stick?
- No.

87. Are you too forgiving?
- Yes

88. Do you own something from Hot Topic?
- Yes

89. Do you own a gun?
- Nope.

90. Have you made a prank phone call?
- No

91. Have you ever been in a castle?
- Many.

92. Do you like your hair?
- No.

93. Do you like yourself?
- Jes.

94. Are you closer to your mother or father?
- Mother.

95. Don't you hate it when people mess with questions?
- I do.

97. Do you want anyone?
- Jep.

98. Whats the closest thing to you thats red?
- Blanket.

99. Does your crush/partner comment your myspace?
- No.

100. Do you comment theirs?
- No.

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