
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 26.10.2007 16:04

This time last year, I was sitting on a train with Janni, on the way to Oulu, and from there onto Utajärvi. It dawned on me yesterday when I was having my lunch, and I almost dropped my fork in shock. I mean, a whole year o.O It's terrifying, how fast time has passed since then.
I tend to use my trip to Utajärvi as some kind of benchmark- mainly because of the amount of Snow that there was when we got off the train, and because it was...well, the snow was a big thing for me :D And it was the first time that I spent time with people of a similar age to mine- something which is quite difficult when you're working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week with children whose sole intention it is, to tire you out ^-^

But that was a year ago.
Now, I'm at Uni, doing a degree in MFL/TEFL, and it's thrown me somewhat. I feel totally at a loss to really describe how I feel. Damn. So, what's happened? Good question.
Last night, I went to a gig with Mark and Mike, and we saw James there. Didn't speak to him, and I'm told he left early. The first two bands were pretty god awful, one band was from Canada, and reminded me of Jann Wilde and Rose Avenue on Acid. And the other god. Made no sense whatsoever, and were so crap it was funny.
The 3rd band though, were bloody good!! They had all the traditional features of a rock band, but they were even better, in that they had also a glockenspiel and a violin, which added lots of texture to the music, and made for a bloody good show!
The venue was a converted church, and it was bloody amazing. Reminded me a tiny bit of Klubi with regards to the architecture. It had quite a nice atmosphere there ^-^

So yeah, after the gig, we went to a pub in town, where all Mike and Mark's 6th form friends were hanging out. Fortunately, one fo the guys who lives on the 5th floor was there too, so I was chatting to him about everything. I quite like him, he's a nice person to chat to.

But Mike and I wanted to go home, get early nights. He had German this morning *lmmfao* and I had just the urge to sleep. I woke up early, 'cause I forgot to disable my alarm clock, but I squeezed in a couple of hours extra kip time :D So that was good.

Now wasting time until my German lesson. I haven't bothered with doing my homework yet, so that'll be a rushjob in the next hour -__-

I've got a feeling that this is gonna be a really long, crap, day :(

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