


I'm a Day-Trader (Stock + Crypto), Investor & Business Owner. I enjoy being around positive, kind & virtuous people.



I'm a Day-Trader (Stock + Crypto), Investor & Business Owner.

I enjoy working towards a great future for myself & my loved ones.

My hobbies are: Sports, Fitness & staying Healthy. I’m also a vegetarian.

I enjoy being around positive, kind & virtuous people, which are traits that I share.

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    🖐️🙂 Quick 2020 Hello! 😁👍 -

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    Hello! :)

    Hello to everyone, I'm Andrew.
    I'm a respectful, polite person, and would expect the same from others.
    Best wishes to everyone!

    I'm a Day-Trader (Stock Market + Crypto), Investor and Business Owner.

    I enjoy Business Ventures, Self-Education, and working towards a great future for myself and my loved ones.

    My hobbies are: Sports, Fitness and staying Healthy. I’m also a vegetarian.

    I believe in waiting for the right person for marriage, and I trust that I will meet a wonderful woman one day, whom I will share my life and love with.

    I enjoy being around positive, kind and virtuous people, which are traits I share myself.