


assassin rokkirotta
And do you sometimes feel like you've been used and abused?
You're not visibly black and blue, but on the inside bruised.
And does your love life leave you feeling kind of amused?
You've played all the games and you're no longer amused!

Do you count the flakes when it snows?
And can you feel the heat or only the afterglow?
Do you count the flakes when it snows?
And do you count the leaves when they fall?
And can you feel anything at all?
Do you count the leaves when they fall?

Just Jack - Snowflakes

Sanoja kuuntelin melko tarkkaan,
could it be any more perfect?

Koulua tunti. rankkaa O.o
Laiskottelen vaikka pitäis lukea kokeisiin.
angstailen :D

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