

-YouKnowMyName- come and buy my new single=)

uupdate from norwaySunnuntai 03.06.2007 22:34

so, ive been here for just about 2 months now, and im loving it.
my new job is just awesome, my boss is great, the work is really hard and long hours, but i definitely get my body back in shape, ive gained 4,5 kilos last month, and it starts to show that im really keeping my muscles busy, yeah, loving that too
otherwise the parties arent really that great and its really hard to find afterparties usually...
but it will get better when i move to my own place soon.
besides from work, sleep, eating there is not really too much to tell, besides from me working on that documentary still and making some music for that one. Studio on the 16th and really looking forwards to it...
that was the short update1
hope youll soon come visit!=)

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