
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 13.06.2008 18:44

I wished upon a star one night
for someone just like you.
And God in heaven smiled and said,
HeÂ’d see what He could do.

He made you beautiful for me
that all the world would know
the love I felt inside my heart,
'cause on your face it showed.

He made you flawed so, in His wisdom,
I would love you more.
By your mistakes IÂ’d laugh,
IÂ’d cry falling deeper than before.

So, IÂ’d set out in search to find you,
love is always bought with price.
I never saw your face, my love,
that was my sacrifice.

And then one day I found you
and my heart recognized
the love I had, the yearning there,
was marked within your eyes.

I saw you smile and my pulse raced,
I had to know your name.
I couldnÂ’t lose you- not again.
I couldnÂ’t stand the pain.

So, IÂ’d set out in search to know you,
had you seen me in a dream?
The way you stared like weÂ’d met before,
that is the way it seemed.

A mutual attraction, a spiritual pull,
IÂ’d known you all my life.
You walked my way like a sleepwalker
and the tears brimmed in my eyes.

I knew it, felt it
I had found- finally-
my one, my only , my true love
God had made just for me.

You stopped and changed, in that one second,
looking over my shoulder.
Your eyes had lost what IÂ’d searched the world for,
theyÂ’d grown so much colder.

Your lips so perfect for my own
too late now to discover.
In my place, my precious one,
you mistakenly took another.

And so youÂ’ll go through many more
finding heartache without relief.
Forever searching, forever empty...
punished without reprieve.

We both are hurting,
soul and soul-searching constantly.
And all because you didnÂ’t know...
you were meant for me.

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