
[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 25.08.2008 19:40

käy tekemässä kaikki testit osoitteesta ja kirjaa tulokset alle.

Friikki testi=Olet 43% friikki
Hyvä ihminen testi=Olet 61% hyvä ihminen
Henkinen ikä testi=Henkinen ikäsi on 18
Amis testi=Olet 65% amis
Kuolema testi=Kuolet 13.02.2057
Tylsä testi=Olet 26% tylsä
Tosimies testi=Olet 69% tosimies
Psykopaatti testi=Olet 39% psykopaatti
Inhetero testi=Olet 4% inhetero
Massateini testi=Olet 9% massateini
Kova jätkä testi=Olet 48% kova jätkä
Vässykkä testi=Olet 26% vässykkä

Ginga Densetsu WeedLauantai 23.08.2008 05:27

In this raging storm
We fail to see tomorrow
In this cruel world
Tread down and get trought it
Never let yourself break down, stand and fight!
Get trought the unknown like your life depended on it
Run, Weed!
Let your courage glimmer trought
Howl, Weed!
Tear up the darkness and the stars
Silver Fang Legend Weed!

Ginga Nagareboshi GinLauantai 23.08.2008 04:31

The Mountains are calling
The Sky is calling
Something awaits you in the distant future
Shining, the blood is flaming
The reason you are born is found
Become one with the wind and run
So become even greater than you were yesterday
Challenge that which is greater than yourself
Like that!
Youth is falling star
That never burns out

"Where there's a will there's a way!"Maanantai 04.08.2008 23:11

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 20.07.2008 22:59

I have a dreams, but I want to get rid of those dreams because they hurt me, but I can't get rid of them because you are in them

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 30.06.2008 19:42

kirjeesi alkoi niin julmasti hei
altani jalat se viikoksi vei
kuinka mun viereltä vois
hypätä pois?

vieläkö muistat sen keväisen yön?
väitätkö että mä sanani syön?
elämä helpompi ois
jos unohtaa vois

mut odota vaan
mua odota vaan
kyllä sun kiinni mä saan
sielu tuskaa on taas tulvillaan

Tia-Maria sua kaipaan niin
Tia-Maria oon yksin
Tia-Maria sua kaipaan niin
Tia-Maria jäät mun haaveisiin
Tia-Maria jäät haaveisiin

viimeinen rivi, mä rakastan sua
kaikki ei tietenkään saa unohtua
eikä mun viereltäin vois
liueta pois

lopuksi kirjoitit vielä ps:
muistele mua, muista myös itseäs
tahtoisi en, enkä vois
hävitä pois

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 30.06.2008 19:22

Shikamaru:My master entrusted me with a lot, from big things to little things
Shikamaru:It's the same for you...
Shikamaru:An unlimited number of things, don't you think it's about time for us
Naruto:Time for what?
Shikamaru:To be the one's to entrust, not the entrusted
Shikamaru:It's a pain in the ass, but I can't say that
Shikamaru:Someday you will be the one to treat ramen to others, and you'll be called master Naruto
Shikamaru:We can't stay as kids forever
Shikamaru:Like Asuma and Jiraiya, I wanna be as cool as them
Naruto:Smile of the determination, solve the puzzle!
Shikamaru:You've gotta get hold of yourself...You've got things to do!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 13.06.2008 18:44

I wished upon a star one night
for someone just like you.
And God in heaven smiled and said,
HeÂ’d see what He could do.

He made you beautiful for me
that all the world would know
the love I felt inside my heart,
'cause on your face it showed.

He made you flawed so, in His wisdom,
I would love you more.
By your mistakes IÂ’d laugh,
IÂ’d cry falling deeper than before.

So, IÂ’d set out in search to find you,
love is always bought with price.
I never saw your face, my love,
that was my sacrifice.

And then one day I found you
and my heart recognized
the love I had, the yearning there,
was marked within your eyes.

I saw you smile and my pulse raced,
I had to know your name.
I couldnÂ’t lose you- not again.
I couldnÂ’t stand the pain.

So, IÂ’d set out in search to know you,
had you seen me in a dream?
The way you stared like weÂ’d met before,
that is the way it seemed.

A mutual attraction, a spiritual pull,
IÂ’d known you all my life.
You walked my way like a sleepwalker
and the tears brimmed in my eyes.

I knew it, felt it
I had found- finally-
my one, my only , my true love
God had made just for me.

You stopped and changed, in that one second,
looking over my shoulder.
Your eyes had lost what IÂ’d searched the world for,
theyÂ’d grown so much colder.

Your lips so perfect for my own
too late now to discover.
In my place, my precious one,
you mistakenly took another.

And so youÂ’ll go through many more
finding heartache without relief.
Forever searching, forever empty...
punished without reprieve.

We both are hurting,
soul and soul-searching constantly.
And all because you didnÂ’t know...
you were meant for me.