
Behind the seasKeskiviikko 02.01.2008 15:32


Time to leave cursed land behind,
Time let soul wander alone,
Time to leave the pain behind,
Time to leaaaavvvveee...

Leave all behind!
Leave the land alway fought for.
Leave all the pain you felt. Behiind.
"Just go! I don't want see you again!"
"Just leave! I can take this no more!"
"Your such an asshole, can't belive that I once...
did love you.."

Time to leave this wicked misery,
Ouyaaaaah! Just leave all behind me,
Behind, Behind him, Behind her,
For the rest of the life live today.

I just want feel me!
Just feel the feeling of being alone,
Just to feel freedom of being alooooone...
Take my hand leave old hatred behind,
Leave all the people behind...

Across the sea travel we,
To the dark and lonely North,
Snowy lands of darkness where love we make,
Build a igloo on the cold snow that helps us,
to understand the meaning of life,
Across the sea Travel, I just feel love you,
And I want to do is to leave this land offf miseeery,
All I want is to feel the love I once did feel,
Yaaa all I want be a hero that inside of meee

To the Norrrrttttth
we sailed across the icy waters,
to nordic lands we trawelled,
fought against polar bears,
and the icy wind,
made a igloooo,
from the snow of the glooryy,
now we liivvee in a snowcastle,
aloooonee, and I hope that we never die,
atleast not here, aloonee,

To the sea travel we agaain,
To the old home land return wee,
Now we will be seperateddd,
And we will never ever meet again,
I'll give you a kiss as seal
of good memories,
Now you have to leave meee,
To live rest of my life in a miseryyy,

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