


*~...we are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours...~*

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Her life is - or it atleast was like a non-stop glorious ride before dawn.
That girl, who was known as a Twilight child
Was missing embrace of wrath
And at the sametime love in her life
She used to be dancing in the air
With her dreams surrounding

She whispers quietly through silent cry:
"I'm so dead without you
This life is taking me down
I'm too weak and tired to go on alone.."

Others just smile and say:
"Black is the colour of your life now
It will be brighter someday
You can't be sad
And keep your head bowed down forever.."

The one with no name can't wait so long
Her feelings are killing her all time
It's always harder and harder to breath
With every breathtake she takes
She needs some one to save her

She has written a letter
And now those who had smiled
And talked to her with those words
Can see the truth(and so the end)
In the end she greeds everyone, and says:
"...with this pain and all these bitter tears I have cried
And with those the thousand nails in my heart...
I felt and knew that forever got too long.
So I have just one word(goodbye) to tell you"

( tää siis on kehittetty 11 'nimen' ympärille... osa huomaatte mistä ne on..)

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