


these moments given are a gift from time

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heheeKeskiviikko 11.11.2009 20:14


helloTiistai 10.11.2009 20:18

that is the road
of unknown

also interestingMaanantai 09.11.2009 20:10

my day was fine, I am bored and tired

say saySunnuntai 08.11.2009 22:09

that's it

yei yeiLauantai 07.11.2009 17:24


fuckPerjantai 06.11.2009 22:16

fuck fuck'n fuck

and so onTorstai 05.11.2009 21:50

today we are getting bored

yei yeiKeskiviikko 04.11.2009 20:18

it happened

and over againTiistai 03.11.2009 15:17

he is in here,
and he goes to work

in spainSunnuntai 01.11.2009 18:20

it seems I am having a flu
hopefully it is not made of pig
for I could go to work
but otherwise I wouldn´t mind
to sit in spain and have a cola