



The evil one is always after me!Maanantai 09.10.2006 20:44

The situation is very common, but here are some hints of why and what to do:

I do hope that the following story will help you to see at least one reason for it:
A landlord and his servant had both gotten saved. A little later they started to discuss. The servant was worried, because the evil one tempted him all the time. The landlord said:
- Maybe there is something wrong in your faith, for it doesn't tempt me at all.
Every now and then the subject was taken up with the same results, and the servant got more and more nervous.
Then one day they went out to hunt rabbits. The dog drove two rabbits near to them and the landlord shot one down, lifted it from the ears to the bosom of the servant and run after the dog and the living rabbit.
Just then the servant shouted to his landlord.
- Now I know, how it is! Neither do you run after the dead ones, but after the living one.

It is the same with you my friend. You are alive, and that disturbs the evil one and it gets mad. But as long as your connection with the Lord is OK, you are too hot for the evil to touch. Just like the bulb with light on, connected with the electricity. When it's burning with a good light, it's too hot to be touched.
So let's keep our hearts connected with Christ Jesus, the real power plant of our lives. That keeps us hot enough.

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