


You don't have to be nice to be able, everyone knows you won't have the time.You have a meeting with the Hancock, you better not be late for that. You saw
the accident,
the incident,
the tradegy,
the blow,
the calamity,
the hazard,
the phenomenon,
the misfortune,
the casualty,
the disaster,
the event,
the fender-bender,
the mishap,
the occasion,
the occurrence,
the force majeure,
the cataclysm,
the happenstance,

but never reacted in any malfunctional manner.
Oh Daisy, baby, baby, baby, I love you Robert Plant once sang.

Eat the shit I gave you. it's free*
*(plus transferring fees of only $2,99 for inside Finland and $4,99 in Europe, we don't deliver to the U.S due to sudden cardiac arrests legally proven to be caused by the product in the U.S)

Ms. Hinton asked her classroom to tell about their morning eating habbits, and started of with John, who implied by talking about cornflakes and the nutritional hazards of it. Ms. Hinton proceeded and asked Jimbo who quickly replied by shouting, ''I eat shit!''

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