


El cielo es el limite

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

H <3Tiistai 06.04.2010 19:24

At night when I close my eyes there's a vision of you inside my head
I'm glad I don't have to think twice about the times you say you love me
I got you in my life there's a part of you in everything I do
I think about you all the time I was born to love you

When your next to me I feel like I'm heaven Im in ecstasy 24/7
You're my destiny we're meant to be together
Your love gets to me I want you here forever
When your next to me I feel like I'm heaven Im in ecstasy 24/7
You're my destiny we're meant to be together
Your love gets to me I want you forever

When I open my eyes theres a picture of you beside my bed
When I turn to the side you are right here with me
Let's make an open road destination unknown
You don't have to be on your own you don't have to be alone I'll be with you

When your next to me I feel like I'm heaven I'm in ecstasy 24/7
You're my destiny we're meant to be together
Your love gets to me I want you here forever
When your next to me I feel like I'm heaven I'm in ecstasy 24/7
You're my destiny we're meant to be together
Your love gets to me I want you forever

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