


On vaikeeta olla nöyrä kun on niin vitun hyvä.
South Parkkia lainaten: Big gay Al'in biisi :D

Bombs are flying.
People are dying.
Children are crying
Politions are lying too.
Cancer is killing.
Texaco is spilling.
The whole worlds gone to hell,
and how are you?

I'm Super!
Thanks for asking.
All things concidered
I couldn't be better I must say.
I'm feeling super,
no nothing bugs me
Everything is super when your...
Don't you think I look cute in this hat?

I'm so sorry Mr. Cripple
but I just can't feel too bad for you right now.
because I'm feeling so insanely super
that even the fact that you can't walk
can't bring me down

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