


Well I want a better place, or just a better way to fall.

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BC: On the record, there has been some animosity between you and KoRn, but in the book you say that it has all blown over. Do you have any plans to meet with them and how are the feelings between you and the rest of KoRn now?
WELCH: "I have no plans to meet with them. I'd just like to see them one day, but the time's not right. I haven't seen them in a couple of years. "The last time I spoke with them there was a little bit of weirdness and I apologized. I did and said some stupid stuff and I meant being sorry, but the bitterness is gone on my end."

TBC: What would you say to them if you could talk to them right now?
WELCH: "I love you guys."

aaaww .___. oh Head.... <3

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