[23:44] Seb`-: bumbumbum
[23:44] Seb`-: http://www.********.com/fetish/4d5d92c8bc5a74d425fe3d573a6999f7.html (lesbian oksennuspornoa)
[23:44] Seb`-: for u <3
[23:44] Affen/Bubbe: O_o
[23:44] Seb`-: :D
[23:45] Affen/Bubbe: :|
[23:45] Affen/Bubbe: i prefer www.********.com (paskansyöntipornoa)
[23:45] Seb`-: omg dude
[23:46] Affen/Bubbe: with <3 to you :D
[23:46] Seb`-: omg thats so sick dude
[23:46] Affen/Bubbe: lol
[23:47] Seb`-: i thought my video gonna be a good1
[23:47] Seb`-: but i dont know ... you always gonna top it in just 2 secs
[23:47] Affen/Bubbe: haha :D
[23:48] Affen/Bubbe: that address just got into my mind
[23:48] Seb`-: i readed that
[23:48] Seb`-: i thought that gonna be a hottie
[23:48] Seb`-: i dident saw first seconds i thought it gonna be chocolate
[23:48] Seb`-: but then i remebered its video from you
[23:48] Affen/Bubbe: lol :D
[23:48] Seb`-: i stoped
[23:48] Seb`-: ok ty
[23:48] Seb`-: looked from start
[23:49] Seb`-: but g2g now
[23:49] Seb`-: i message ya next days
[23:49] Affen/Bubbe: okay baibai, just talk to me sometimes :D
[23:49] Seb`-: first i find a realy ugly shit fuckijng movie