


Ronkelit Kunkkaa..

:(Lauantai 15.12.2007 18:28

Ladytron - Beauty

I sent you out to play last night
the alarms went off at 3
funny how im not laughing now
lonelyness a guarentee

I sent you out to play last night
the alarms went off at 3
funny how im not laughing now
he's not coming home to me

Sent you out to play last night
the alarms went off at 3
funny how im not laughing now
hes not coming home to me

try to get out on a
to move out of love
if only there was no consequence
watch it all turn to dust

hey can i go with you
my beauty number2
hey can i go with
when the rendez vous over
its over


hey can i go with
when the rendez vous over
its over

its not over

no its not over

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