


Kennel Liten&Lagom (Skotin terrierin kasvattaja + trimmi Etelä Ruotsissa) 🐾❤️


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Your true peacePerjantai 14.12.2012 12:04

There is such no thing as religion, but there is one true thing; your belief in yourself and your own doing.

The finding of your own peace within life, as well as death when the time comes. The belief in doing whats right, what your intuition tells you ! If only people did follow their feelings, at least their lives could include more honor and value, than fear of being outside the groups, fear of being left alone, fear of breaking " rules". What about, being yourself. Being true, to yourself. No matter the cost?

I am tired of seeing people, all kind of, walk the same circles, but under different countries, circuimstances, religions, etc. Break free from your own prison youve chosen, and see the world for what it is. There is always evil to be done, as well as good, there can never be such things as peace all over the world, yet there can be total war, because men kind chose to be like that.

The difference we all can do, is to at least be true to ourselves, to find that dime of goodness inside of us and fight for what we ourselves, believe is right ! I am who I am, I cant change that I actually live, and since I do, I will find my purpose in this life, as well as ive done in all the others I think ive lived thru, just to seek more wisdom within this life.

Take a step back, breathe. Flow.

Just become true to yourself. And have faith, in yourself. Without this, you can never, truly, be free.

Wolfness //

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