


Fiat iustitia, Pereat Mundus

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RegretSunnuntai 07.09.2014 15:42

I feel how happiness is fading
Once again it's raining
Every song will come to the end
I greet sorrow, my old friend..

Drown in the sea of regret
Remember what I did forget
It was hope that I did lost
Love is not in me never was

I'm like a painting unfinished
Missing all the colors, uncomplite
No one had what it takes to fill
Those empty lines, remains still

So many I wanted to keep close
But hatred is what I felt most
Always gave something that's mine
Just to see how it withers, and dies

You had the very best of me
Something I always wanted to be
But old wounds I had in my heart
Reopened, torn me apart

Now that I lost myself again
All I did was all in vain
Tale is over and sun has set
Forever alone I'll regret

c. Joni "Nonno" K.

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