


Fiat iustitia, Pereat Mundus

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Poet & ThunderTiistai 06.10.2015 18:42

After many years, silence has been broken
Boy once so lonely came back to his home
Took his place on roof top, and again alone
Before wind carried boy's song, but no more

New found happiness, gone fast as shooting star
Left nothing but emptiness to his broken heart
Even that he told to himself, during darkest night
This time it'll be different, it'll be alright

"Sometimes life can pull you under"
"Bury you deep to your own sorrow"
"Hidden, but you can still hear thunder"
"But I promise, it'll not rain tomorrow"

"Flowers, they need water so they can grow"
"Heart has to suffer, so it learns to endure"
"Sure it takes lot of time, it can be slow"
"But dear poet boy, your heart will be cured"

Long night came to its end, and she was right
On roof top of his home, boy gazed to the sky
And boy has never seen the sun shining so bright
Heart full of life, still hurts, but it's fine

New path was opening right before his eyes
Ready to leave, and boy'd never look behind
He watched roof top, and said last goodbyes
Some where there he's now, looking for new life

"When you hear thunder, when it's raining, and it's cold"
"Close your eyes, and you can hear poet's song in the storm"

c. Joni "Nonno" K.

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