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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 26.08.2011 20:08

Day 1: Your favorite k-pop guy group
Day 2: Your favorite k-pop girl group
Day 3: Your ultimate k-pop guy bias
Day 4: Your ultimate k-pop girl bias
Day 5: Your favorite k-pop song from your favorite guy group
Day 6: Your favorite k-pop song from your favorite girl group
Day 7: A k-pop song that makes you cry
Day 8: A k-pop song you know all the words to
Day 9: Your favorite k-pop performance
Day 10: A k-pop dance youÂ’d like to learn
Day 11: Your favorite k-pop music video
Day 12: The very first k-pop song you ever heard
Day 13: A k-pop group you dislike and why
Day 14: A k-pop song that makes you smile

Day 15: A k-pop song that reminds you of someone you miss

Joku helvetin jyväskyläläinen jota näkee liian harvoin. ;_;

Day 16: Your favorite k-pop lyric (and a translation)

Lol ketään ei kuitenkaa kiinnosta mitä ne on koreaks joten saatte vaan englanniks.

Shake it up, is an anxious, so anxious
always a nervous life really enjoyable?
You, who's stiff and flat and too timid everyday
Aren't you bored?
Just once clench your fists and cooly (yeah~)
yell out what you want to say (yeah~)
The world is yours
It's what you make of it
Shake up your thoughts (Oh~)

Super Junior - Shake It Up

Koska Shake It Up on piristävä.

Don't think about a thing and just feel it
Take me who's been thrown into the music
Tonight, this time where you and I become one
Don't stare at me with those eyes
Don't worry, don't even mind it
Even in these hesitant times, the end comes near
Stare at me in your perfectly normal state
Say that you want me and change your chance

SHINee - Get It

Koska Get It on puhdasta laulettua seksiä, ja ku siihen yhdistetään vielä se et esim äskeinen pätkä on Keyn ja Minhon vuorotellen laulama... Brb shipping Minkey forever. Also, fapping while I ship.

Why did really I call you and had you sit?
Why did I order the coffee? (Girl, girl)

Just like this, IÂ’m frozen, I keep speaking gibberish
IÂ’m getting dizzy, I keep fidgeting (Girl, girl)

IÂ’m definitely going to say it today
IÂ’m really trying to say it (Girl, girl)
But can you stop staring at me?
I still canÂ’t do it because of your smile (Girl)

I let out a big sigh once, oh, oh
I close my eyes and spit it out once, ooh, ooh

Are you ready or not? You ready or not?
(I donÂ’t think itÂ’ll work out well, I seal my lips again)
Are you ready or not? You ready or not?
(I think IÂ’ll go crazy, I block my words today as well)

SHINee - Ready Or Not

....aaaaand the story of my life. Ready Or Not (haha Radio Nut) on myös söpöimpiä biisejä ikinä.

Day 17: A k-pop idol you wish was your older sibling
Day 18: A k-pop idol you wish was your younger sibling
Day 19: Your favorite interview of a k-pop idol or group
Day 20: Your favorite picture of your guy k-pop bias
Day 21: Your favorite picture of your girl k-pop bias
Day 22: Your favorite picture of your favorite k-pop group
Day 23: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is underrated
Day 24: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is overrated
Day 25: Your favorite k-pop music video
Day 26: Your favorite cover of a k-pop song by another k-pop artist
Day 27: Your favorite dance battle
Day 28: Your favorite cover of an American song by a k-pop artist
Day 29: A k-pop song you never get tired of
Day 30: A k-pop idol that has amazing eye smiles
Day 31: Your favourite k-pop macro
Day 32: Your favourite k-pop MV teaser

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