
[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 31.01.2011 16:50

Day 06: A picture that inspires you
Day 07: A picture of a place where you'd like to go
Day 08: A picture of something you believed in as a child
Day 09: A picture of what you had for lunch
Day 10: A picture of what you like to do
Day 11: A picture of your favorite drink
Day 12: A picture of your favorite food
Day 13: A picture of something you're afraid of
Day 14: A picture that turns you on
Day 15: A picture of you and your friend(s)
Day 16: A picture of your cell phone
Day 17: A picture of your room
Day 18: A picture of something you'd want to do before you die
Day 19: A picture of your favorite musical instrument(s)
Day 20: A picture of something you do everyday
Day 21: A picture that describes your life
Day 22: A picture of a person you'd want to meet
Day 23: A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 24: A picture of a person you admire
Day 25: A picture that makes you smile
Day 26: A picture that makes you angry
Day 27: A picture that makes you sad
Day 28: A picture of your favorite part on yourself
Day 29: A picture of a painful memory
Day 30: A picture of a happy memory

FoorLauantai 29.01.2011 20:33

Day 04: A picture of someone/something you've lost
Day 05: A picture of your morning
Day 06: A picture that inspires you
Day 07: A picture of a place where you'd like to go
Day 08: A picture of something you believed in as a child
Day 09: A picture of what you had for lunch
Day 10: A picture of what you like to do
Day 11: A picture of your favorite drink
Day 12: A picture of your favorite food
Day 13: A picture of something you're afraid of
Day 14: A picture that turns you on
Day 15: A picture of you and your friend(s)
Day 16: A picture of your cell phone
Day 17: A picture of your room
Day 18: A picture of something you'd want to do before you die
Day 19: A picture of your favorite musical instrument(s)
Day 20: A picture of something you do everyday
Day 21: A picture that describes your life
Day 22: A picture of a person you'd want to meet
Day 23: A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 24: A picture of a person you admire
Day 25: A picture that makes you smile
Day 26: A picture that makes you angry
Day 27: A picture that makes you sad
Day 28: A picture of your favorite part on yourself
Day 29: A picture of a painful memory
Day 30: A picture of a happy memory

treePerjantai 28.01.2011 20:04

Day 03: A picture of what you wore today
Day 04: A picture of someone/something you've lost
Day 05: A picture of your morning
Day 06: A picture that inspires you
Day 07: A picture of a place where you'd like to go
Day 08: A picture of something you believed in as a child
Day 09: A picture of what you had for lunch
Day 10: A picture of what you like to do
Day 11: A picture of your favorite drink
Day 12: A picture of your favorite food
Day 13: A picture of something you're afraid of
Day 14: A picture that turns you on
Day 15: A picture of you and your friend(s)
Day 16: A picture of your cell phone
Day 17: A picture of your room
Day 18: A picture of something you'd want to do before you die
Day 19: A picture of your favorite musical instrument(s)
Day 20: A picture of something you do everyday
Day 21: A picture that describes your life
Day 22: A picture of a person you'd want to meet
Day 23: A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 24: A picture of a person you admire
Day 25: A picture that makes you smile
Day 26: A picture that makes you angry
Day 27: A picture that makes you sad
Day 28: A picture of your favorite part on yourself
Day 29: A picture of a painful memory
Day 30: A picture of a happy memory

Ose pakotti.. IITorstai 27.01.2011 16:34

Day 02: A picture of what you did today
Day 03: A picture of what you wore today
Day 04: A picture of someone/something you've lost
Day 05: A picture of your morning
Day 06: A picture that inspires you
Day 07: A picture of a place where you'd like to go
Day 08: A picture of something you believed in as a child
Day 09: A picture of what you had for lunch
Day 10: A picture of what you like to do
Day 11: A picture of your favorite drink
Day 12: A picture of your favorite food
Day 13: A picture of something you're afraid of
Day 14: A picture that turns you on
Day 15: A picture of you and your friend(s)
Day 16: A picture of your cell phone
Day 17: A picture of your room
Day 18: A picture of something you'd want to do before you die
Day 19: A picture of your favorite musical instrument(s)
Day 20: A picture of something you do everyday
Day 21: A picture that describes your life
Day 22: A picture of a person you'd want to meet
Day 23: A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 24: A picture of a person you admire
Day 25: A picture that makes you smile
Day 26: A picture that makes you angry
Day 27: A picture that makes you sad
Day 28: A picture of your favorite part on yourself
Day 29: A picture of a painful memory
Day 30: A picture of a happy memory

Ose pakotti..Keskiviikko 26.01.2011 22:30

Day 01: A picture of you
Day 02: A picture of what you did today
Day 03: A picture of what you wore today
Day 04: A picture of someone/something you've lost
Day 05: A picture of your morning
Day 06: A picture that inspires you
Day 07: A picture of a place where you'd like to go
Day 08: A picture of something you believed in as a child
Day 09: A picture of what you had for lunch
Day 10: A picture of what you like to do
Day 11: A picture of your favorite drink
Day 12: A picture of your favorite food
Day 13: A picture of something you're afraid of
Day 14: A picture that turns you on
Day 15: A picture of you and your friend(s)
Day 16: A picture of your cell phone
Day 17: A picture of your room
Day 18: A picture of something you'd want to do before you die
Day 19: A picture of your favorite musical instrument(s)
Day 20: A picture of something you do everyday
Day 21: A picture that describes your life
Day 22: A picture of a person you'd want to meet
Day 23: A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 24: A picture of a person you admire
Day 25: A picture that makes you smile
Day 26: A picture that makes you angry
Day 27: A picture that makes you sad
Day 28: A picture of your favorite part on yourself
Day 29: A picture of a painful memory
Day 30: A picture of a happy memory

The peliMaanantai 24.01.2011 16:16

avaa mesesi .
ota sieltä yksi paikalla oleva ystävä .
laita hänelle nämä lauseet ja katso mitä hän vastaa .
1. hei tiiäks mä muutan venäjää - nii ja mä muutan saksaa
2. mä lähen nyt mun mummon kanssa kamppiin ostamaan papalle
joululahjaa - vanha paska
3. no kiva vittu mun pää irtos - HOLY SHIT vedä se pää perseesee kyl se siel koht menee ylöspäin niinku meni ruokakin tosa south parkis.

TSunnuntai 23.01.2011 16:48

This is the virus,
sweeping trough your mind,
Spreading trough your veins,
Taking over human kind,
This is the virus,
You will be infected,

HTorstai 20.01.2011 18:37

N=naurat paljon.
I=kuolet nuorena eikä kukaan jää kaipaamaan sinua.
K=masennut tänä vuonna.
O=huomenna tapahtuu onnettomuus.

A=sinua tullaan sanomaan usein kauniiksi.
B=elät lyhyeen.
C=saat 5 lasta.
D=kaikki rakastavat sinua.
E=olet malli.
F=kuolet vanhana.
G=olet koko elämäsi aurinkoinen.
H=sinusta tulee pummi.
I=kuolet nuorena eikä kukaan jää kaipaamaan sinua.
J=elämäsi on pitkä.
K=masennut tänä vuonna.
L=tapaat elämäsi rakkauden huomenna.
M=pääset yli alkoholismista.
N=naurat paljon.
O=huomenna tapahtuu onnettomuus.
P=paljon seksiä.
Q=kalastat paljon.
R=saat rintasyövän.
S=joudut vakavaan onnettomuuteen ja menetät toisen jalkasi.
U=saat AIDS- taudin.
V=elät vähintään 100 vuotiaaksi.
W=opiskelet koko elämäsi.
X=soitat saksofonia työksesi.
Y=saat uuden hyvän työn.
Z=sinusta tulee zorro.
Å=olet auinkoinen koko elämäsi.
Ä=Saat aivohalvauksen
Ö=syöt koko elämäsi ötököitä

ETorstai 20.01.2011 18:35

Jos edes aloitit lukemaan tätä kesäsi menee pilalle jos et tee tätä:
Varattu vai sinkku ? - sinkku
Miksi ? - emt..
Viimeisin mokailusi ? - Ruottikoe
Onko sinulla salaisuuksia joita kukaan muu ei tiedä? - ei kai
Ketä ajattelit ensimmäiseksi aamulla ? - kissaani
Kadutko mitään elämässäsi ? - tietenkin
Onko sinulla meikkiä juuri nyt ? - ei
Mikä sinusta tulee isona ? - Rekkakuski.. no ei
Oletko onnellinen ? - sinänsä
Monelta menit eilen nukkumaan ? - 11
Haluaisitko elää jonkun päivän uudestaan ? - totta helvetissää

GTorstai 13.01.2011 23:31

Dodii Sainpahan koneeni takaisin :D