


has a serious attitude(problem).

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 01.07.2007 05:16

In my pants

Put your playlist on shuffle and add "in my pants" to the end of each of the first 20 song titles!

1. After Forever - Ex Cathedra in my pants
2. Slipknot - Prosthetics in my pants
3. Wednesday 13 - Haunt me in my pants
4. Moi Dix Mois - Shadows Temple in my pants
5. Lacrimas Profundere - Evade in my pants
6. Hocico - Silent Wrath in my pants
7. Bauhaus - Hope in my pants
8. Charon - Wortex in my pants
9. hyde - Jesus Christ in my pants
10. Flogging Molly - Sun never shines in my pants
11. Aerosmith - Dude (Looks like a lady) in my pants
12. Bloody Dead & Sexy - A Friend in Mescalin in my pants
13. Gackt - Mind Forest in my pants
14. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas in my pants
15. Horrorpops - What's under my bed in my pants
16. Two Witches - Burn the Witch in my pants
17. Entwine - Bittersweet in my pants
18. Burzum - The Crying Orc in my pants
19. Danny Elfman - According to Plan in my pants
20. Bitch Alert - Geisha nymfo in my pants

Err, yeeah?

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