


The Bird of the Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.


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HuohTorstai 07.01.2010 20:16

Raskaat vapaat, vaikka varmaan tekisikin terää levätä, ei pysty.

4am I'm still awake
Before the dawn the Sandman will come with nightmares
I won't let him in
There's nothing in head
Empty walls, empty bed
I am just waiting
Restless beats of heart and breathing break the silence
I am still here

The absence of light
Narrows my eyesight
But still I see them
It's not angels that sing
And call me by my true name
They have forsaken me

Dead tired but aware
Sleep invites the demons, I am not prepared
I have to stay awake
There are monsters in my head
On my walls, under my bed
I am dying
I am jaded, I am numb, I am counting on the sun
Salvation to come

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