


Why so Serious?

BännitTiistai 19.02.2013 19:42

[17:37:54] Hartsa: Account Action: Suspension (3 Hours)

Harassments are a violation of our policies and they have a negative impact on the gaming experience of our customer.

Type of Violation: Harassment
Category of Violation: Sexual Orientation
Character Name Involved:

While we regret to take this type of action, we have determined it to be in the best interests of the World of Warcraft community as a whole, and for the integrity of the game.
Please note that should any further violations of our Rules and Policies occur, this incident will be taken into consideration when determining the consequences for your account. This could include further warnings, account suspension or account termination.
Also note, you must log into the game after the suspension has expired to update the status of the account shown on your Account Management page.

For further information, or to review our current Rules and Policies, please refer to:


English Game Master Team
Blizzard Europe Ja nyt vuorostaan bännit wowissaaaaa<3

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