



Nightbringer - Apocalypse SunMaanantai 02.11.2009 21:30

Nightbringer- Apocalypse Sun. '09 via The Ajna Offensive

Annihilation and revelation,
not as two separate concepts but as one monumental and terrible instance, that
of death and rebirth in a single action. The Sun
as a symbol of the archon, the
apex, the imperator, king, the virile and divine sovereign of the
conjoined with its duel representation of fire, the element of
immolation, purification, destruction, dissolution, and becoming. A
symbol of gnosis and divine power, brought into union with the
absolute meaning of Apocalypse (Apokalypsis), the
"lifting of the veil". Both meaning and symbolism form a singular
quintessence of divine revelation of being, of ingress and egress, of
destruction and creation, of death and rebirth.

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