


:3 world is a better place when it is upside down

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 29.06.2006 16:02

The bass, the rock
The mic, the treble
I like my coffee black
Just like my metal

With the bass, the rock,
The mic, the trouble.
I like my coffee black,
Just like my metal.

I can't wait for you to knock me up
In a minute, minute
In a fuckin' minute

I can't wait for you to knock me up
In a minute, minute
In a second

I can't wait for you to shut me up
and make me hip like badass
I can't wait for you to shut me up.
Shut, it, up

I can't wait for you to shut me up
and make me hip like badass
I can't wait for you to shut me up.
Shut, it, up.

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