


Miika mä rakastan sua <3 ihan vitun paljon !!♥ 16.1.2012

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 25.03.2011 11:29

•Day 01- Your favorite female character
• Day 02- Your favorite male character
•Day 03- Your favorite couple
•Day 04- Your favorite quote
•Day 05- Your favorite promo for season 3
•Day 06- Your favorite Lafayette/Tara moment
•Day 07- Your favorite Eric/Sookie moment
•Day 08- Your favorite Sookie/Bill moment
•Day 09- Your favorite Eric/Bill moment
•Day 10- Your favorite Sam/Sookie moment
•Day 11- Your favorite Sookie Stackhouse moment
•Day 12- A scene/moment that pissed you off when eric and sookie had the first kiss and pam started to talk bla bla

•Day 13- A scene/moment that made you cry
•Day 14- A scene/moment that made you happy
•Day 15- Your OTP
•Day 16- Your favorite episode
•Day 17- Your least favorite episode
•Day 18- Your least favorite character
•Day 19- Your least favorite scene
•Day 20- Your favorite villain
•Day 21- Your favorite guest-star
•Day 22- Your least favorite guest-star
•Day 23- The character you most relate to
•Day 24- The character you would like to hear/see more of
•Day 25- Something that happened you wish hadn’t
•Day 26- Something that hadn’t happened but you wish had
•Day 27- Your idea for a future True Blood episode
•Day 28- Your idea for a future True Blood character
•Day 29- Your idea for a future True Blood couple
•Day 30- Whatever tickles your fancy

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