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Some of you might have read on the internet (e.g. on the Fangoria or Shock Till You Drop sites) that Universal announced last month that the Cirque Du Freak movie is now not scheduled to be released in the USA until January 15th, 2010. I know this will be disappointing for many of you, as I know you're all as eager as I am to see it. But these sorts of delays happen all the time in the movie business. In fact, they sometimes happen with books too -- my first book, Cirque Du Freak, was originally meant to be released in the UK in autumn 1998, but didn't actually come out until January 2000!!!! We'll just have to be patient and wait.

As for when the movie will be released in other countries -- I don't know. There has been no word from Universal about this yet. They might release it in other territories before they release it in America, or they might release it in the States first and other countries later. As soon as I find out any more news about any of this, I'll post it here ASAP!

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