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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 26.12.2008 03:06

mitähän vittua. oon ihan pihalla kaikesta. en tienny mistään tokio hotel - bushido - jutuista :D hahaa, ihan parhaita :'D

Tom: But the most important thing, Nicole Scherzinger ((pussycat dolssin pääjehu)) will be there, right?
Haastattelija: She's there, right.
T: Yeah, that's the most important thing.
H: You wanna grope her?
T: That's the reason to go to the aftershowparty even when we're loosing.
Bushido: You don't have to think you have a chance.
H: I think he already did.
B: I'm going to be there to and I'm older than you
T: We need to compete than, cause bitch is hot.
B: Not against each other, whit each other! You, me and Nicole Scherzinger. Best threesome in the world.
T: We can do that, but I choose the hole.
B: Perfect

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