
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 28.03.2008 20:01

I've tried to heal the wounds
make it as if it never was
and i know i've done my best
but i can never heal the scars

*I wanna say i'm sorry but i know i'll do it again
I'll do it again
I know what i did but i still don't know the reason
I wanna say i'm sorry but i know i'll do it again
I'll do it again
I'll do it to you
I don't wanna hurt you anymore

I pull you close
Feel your love
Then i push you away from me
Protect myself
I'm not safe when my boundaries are violated
and it's kill or die
So i choose me
Over you

ADD is my excuse
and with my excuse i shot you down
and i know i've got to change
But i can never work out how


No matter what i say
I love you so much i cannot leave
but this drive me crazy
I always find it hard to breathe


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