
[Ei aihetta]Torstai 20.11.2008 19:10

Feels like i've been here before
Matter of fact as i recall
Love ain't been a friend to me
It always pulls me up and let's me down
Spinnin my heart around
So, i locked it up and threw out the key
So, baby, you picked a bad time to be everything that i need

Even tho your're making my pulse race
you came on the wrong day
I'm feeling you but you gotta leave

I'm 'bout to hit the bed
I know i'm not ready yet
I'm trying not to fall in love
Crazy thoughts are running through my head
So, they can't understand
I'm trying not to fall in love
So, i'm sorry
Baby, i'm not giving you my heart
I gotta get away, get a hurry
I gotta get this before it starts
'cause i'm not tryna fall in love.

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