


tiedä se että sä tiedät

hohhoijaa...............Tiistai 02.10.2007 18:52

Papa Roach - Roses on my grave

It feels like I'm looking at life
Through a telescope because I'm so high
The ground never seemed so far away
Truth shall be told one day
I'll be under ground one day
I've got a woman that'll put roses on my grave [x2]
Roses on my grave
Feels like I'm looking at life
Through a telescope because I'm so high
And the ground never seemed so far away
Truth shall be told one day
I'll be under ground one day
Ive got a woman that'll put roses on my grave [x4]
Roses on my grave
Don't forget me
Don't forget me
Please forgive me
Dont' forget me
It's my redemption
Time for redemption
It's my redemption
Time for redemption
I'll see you on the other side
I'm waiting on the other side
I'll see you on the other side
I'm waiting in the other side

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