


I'm the best, The best at being me!

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Poikkeuksellisen hempeet sanotukset Lordin biisiin, mutta mie tykkään ja ihan helkutisti!<3 ^^

Dear mother how are you
IÂ’m writhing you with news
IÂ’m courting someone and itÂ’s serious
She is a maiden fair
As sweet as an éclair
And when she laughs itÂ’s so mellifluous

Looks like and angel fell on earth
ThereÂ’s just one thing about this girl

She is a demon
She is a demon
CanÂ’t help myself I lover her so
Yeah, sheÂ’s a demon
Yes, sheÂ’s a demon
The one I gave my heart and soul

Dear mom itÂ’s been a while
WeÂ’ve mover from Staten Isle
The constabled caught her ripping off heads
Now we live in the woods
So far sheÂ’s being good
I love her sill but now her eyes glow red

Dear mother this might be goodbye
But know this
I have been happy my whole life

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