


Born as balance guardian.

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Sinister darkness.Tiistai 13.06.2006 01:14

When you feel the darkness gathering in your soul.... You are still far from what I see. I see beyond this curtain you call "darkness". My darkness is something.... more sinister than that. In your darkness there often exists a moon of sorts. My darkness devours *everything*. Like a carnivorous sensing entity, it eats all light, all hope.... everything worth achieving. And in the end, I see nothing. Except the complete black darkness that haunts me forever. it has already reached me, but I have camouflaged myself within it... It can sense me. But it doesn´t know where I am.... yet. Every night it comes. One night it will devour me as well. You would do well to stay away. You could never whitstand my realm. My light left me, before the darkness ate it up....

The darkness is coming...

np : Blutengel - No Eternity

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