


Born as balance guardian.

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In My Sick DreamsTorstai 13.07.2006 14:32

Once again I saw very disturbing dream. I was walking in a desolate concrete landscape. There were no hills or elevation anywhere .The world was flat. I looked around seeing only emptiness over a concrete world. Then I saw something. Grey human figures that withered in the wind. They were standing still. But always when I looked the other way, they came closer. Fast. When I was close enough to see their facial figures, I could see that they were indeed ghosts. They looked injured and dead. When I got close to one, its soul started to scream. It sounded like six dying females screaming for their lives at the same time. I couldn´t bear it. All went black.

When I re-opened my eyes, two of my friends from work were in front of me. We were in place similiar to the one I work in, but with some differences. It was like the area was built in the same style as the place I work in. For the record, I work outdoors in place with a lot of concrete and asphalt. And here everything was again made out of concrete.

Then I saw the ghosts again. They started to move closer. I grabbed the hand of one of my friends and walked him toward the ghost. He couldn´t see it. We came very close to it and the screams started again. He couldn´t hear them. He walked right through the ghost. He turned completely blue and all his bones shone right through his skin. There was an expression of horror on his face. Then he fell down. He was dead.

Then I woke up.

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