


Poeta fit, non nascitur.


- Vanhemmat »

Sinulle... Janne Petteri Saarni.Torstai 27.04.2006 22:32

What is it in this essence of love,
that makes me unreasonable, blind?
What is it that I cannot resist,
when you come around?

If this is the game,
then you must be the winner,
master in all the rules,
where I am just a beginner.

In my own words!Keskiviikko 26.04.2006 04:50

She has nothing that I didn't have
No pretty face, prettier than mine
No tempting moves, catching your eyes
She has nothing that I still wouldn't have

She wont tell you what I already did not
She can't write your thoughts down,
Might she never write them as you please
No, my darling, she's nothing like me

But one thing she has,
that I'm craving for
Those lips of yours,
arms made for passion
She has the nights made for romance
Something I'll never have,
She has every morning beside you
All of your lies, your deepest truth
Yes my darling, she has you.

Yö mielisairaalassa. Äkkiä joku huutaa:
- Minä olen Napoleon!
- Mistäs sen tiedät, kysyy toinen ääni.
- Jumala sanoi sen minulle!
- Enkä takuulla ole sanonut mitään!!! Kiljuu kolmas ääni.


Miksi Suomessa on Turkulaisia eikä kameleita?
- Koska arabit saivat valita ensin.

Itelleen saa nauraa! hahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaa

Miten turkulainen joutui Afrikkaan?
- Meni ostamaan limpparia lentoaseman lippuluukulta ja sanoi: "an gola".

- Vanhemmat »