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Carolina Liar - I'm not over.Torstai 23.07.2009 21:08

IÂ’m not over.
IÂ’m not over you just yet.
Cannot hide it.
YouÂ’re not that easy to forget.
IÂ’m not over.

Never took the chance, couldÂ’ve jump the fence.
I was scared of my own two feet.
CouldnÂ’t cross the line, it was black and white.
No contrast to be seen.
What would you do?
What would you do?
Do you know?
Was it all a joke, never had control?

IÂ’m not better on my own!

What a waste of time,
the thought crossed my mind.
CanÂ’t explain this thing, or what I mean.

IÂ’m trying to let go!

I once had a grip on everything...
It feels better to let go.

CanÂ’t explain the who or what I was...

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