
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

Eric :DTiistai 29.01.2008 01:48

Kerste ‎(23:41):
jeah..a sliding tour through the rocky mountains
Kerste ‎(23:42):
that would be fun^^
Elina ‎(23:42):
I will be dead after that xD
Kerste ‎(23:42):
..jeah..maybe ...but you would have died by having lots of fun xD
Elina ‎(23:43):
Oh yes for sure I don't wanna die young nooo!
Kerste ‎(23:43): can make this tour when you are 80 too xD
Kerste ‎(23:44):
but I think it would look strange if an 80 year old grandma slides down the rocky mountains xD
Elina ‎(23:44):
ahhahha xD I will be a rock'n'roll grandmama!
Kerste ‎(23:45):
jiiiha xD
Elina ‎(23:45):
Oh I'm waiting for my future already xD

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