
20 MINUTES LATER THIS HAPPENEDTiistai 08.01.2008 04:53

So a few days after my OP, we hung out again. Went to her place around 11pm after day 1 of my grandmother's funeral. I showed up wearing a nice black-on-black-on-black suit ensemble, and she was in some godawful clothes. We spent the night watching some shitty Russian fantasy/horror movie that made no sense (on her surprisingly nice widescreen Samsung LCD computer monitor...but it was still a computer monitor), and she kept mentioning how cute the lead actor was every 5 seconds. Halfway in, she made me accompany her to the basement of her apartment building so that she could get her laundry. Um, okay.

We returned, resumed the movie, and that's when she decides to order a large pizza for herself (I was full from the funeral lunch/dinner), and also contemplated ordering some gelato for her fatass, but was able to resist the temptation. Pizza arrives (Pagliacci's...yummy) and she immediately wolfed down 3 slices before determining that it was of inferior quality to their normal pizza. Whatever.

I should note that we were watching the movie in complete darkness in her bedroom while sitting on her bed, so I was obviously expecting to get some. She failed to deliver. After the movie, lights come on and her supposedly shy cat who doesn't like strangers is molesting my hand, and she asks me to stay for another 30 minutes so that her Korean-obsessed ex-roommate can drop by and see me.

"Sweet," I thought, "I can probably get some from her. With her cute name (will not disclose here), she is bound to be somewhat attractive." During the wait, I have to use her bathroom, but her gigantic litter box is blocking the bathroom door, so I had to drag that out to pee, and then push that sucker back in. It was around this time her Korean-obsessed friend and her Korean husband arrive. She was a definite and I pretty much lost my erection for a week after seeing her. As soon as the friend saw me, she gave me this huge bear hug. The following 30 minutes of conversation between the four of us was much worse than lowtaxporn.avi. I couldn't stand it anymore (her friend ate the rest of the large pizza) and I finally excused myself with the excuse that I had to wake up early for day 2 of my grandmother's funeral.

Came home, took an ambien, and got 9 hours of sleep. Too bad grandma's second funeral service started in 8 hours. Yes, I was 50 minutes LATE for my grandmother's funeral (why the entire family didn't frantically call me or bang on my door is beyond me), and I live literally 2 blocks from the funeral home/cemetary.

P.S. I am spending Christmas with her. She specifically requested that I bring my car and my mouth. She will be cooking. She is either socially inept and doesn't realize that an invite of "Hey, come hang out at my place on Christmas. I'm cooking and we can watch the sequel to [shitty movie]" is an offer of sexual services during the course of aforementioned events, or I am actually finally getting the goods.

Let's be serious for a second here though, so everyone doesn't think I'm an asshole. Goon girl is pretty cool, everything I wrote is extremely exaggerated, and she's in on the joke (Hi D). I'm still expecting Christmas sex, though. (Yes D, that means you.)

So my first goon meet actually went well. (Although technically not the turns out that my next-door neighbor on Semester at Sea this past spring was a goon, as well as another friend I made during the program. It's eerie how easily I've gotten along with all the goons I have met.)

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