


täää on niin totta <3 :(Torstai 30.09.2010 01:05

Someone who really loves you doesnt just give up. They will actually fight for you, no matter how long it takes!!!!!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 27.08.2010 20:15

Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life..:)

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 26.08.2010 18:33

Olin onnellinen, sit vaan jotain tapahtu, ku yks homma toimii ni toine heti kaatuu!!
Kyl sua kaipaan, toisinaan taas kyllä vihaan.
Nyt on fiilis haikee enkä sua takasin saa
sä olit se ketä pystyin vihdoinki rakastaa!!!

aahh♥Tiistai 15.06.2010 16:59

When I saw you I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you <3

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.04.2010 19:40

Shit happens all the time but

have you learn how to deal with it??

everday is a normal fuckin' bullshit!

mmmTorstai 04.03.2010 22:42

Guys are always such a drag

Maanantai 01.03.2010 17:10

If you want me so much
First I have to know??

Are you thoughtful and kind?
Do you care what's on my mind?
Or am I just for show?
You'll go far in this world.

Do you feel somethin happenin?
Could this be for real?
I don't know right now but tonight we'll reveal..

• If you're not the one ?? </3Sunnuntai 21.02.2010 02:16

• If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?

• If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?

• If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all?

• I never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with

• I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand?????????
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms? :(

•I love you, whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side<3

• Where is the love? •Torstai 04.02.2010 23:08

So ask yourself is the loving really gone?
So I could ask myself really what is going wrong?

SKillz V.I.P.♥Torstai 04.02.2010 16:14

jau jau skillzat kthehen (prap)
2009 kceni nalt
Se seni o

ej ej ej ej

Ref: shetis e ka do qe vi kejt e din jom v.i.p
nClub si bauss un hi
dej n`5 n'mengjes jasht um ki (2x)...


Telefonin roaming
se shetis nEvrop
normal se n'tona venet
un kom shok dalum
pim deri sa bohum rrot
ndodh ka 1her edhe
ajrin me n'dotë.
all inclus n pushim
un pare nuk nxerri fuck it
M'respekton krejt Hoteli
Dal n'club edhe secila ma han
skom nevojt mi rrejt
kishe jom italian
V.I.P edhe kur sum njohin
me emer qaty ku skom shok
garant kom femer
nese rrin me mu 1 nat
frajeri tbohet bajat
Ma kan nii zaniin edhe reperat
n'Beograd (Fuck you.).
Ton naten tu sill un jom
kur i parkojm kerret
Doket si Auto sallon
Qka po fol e qka po shkrun
per mu N'emision
budall un per ty jom televizion
Ka shqiptar neper bot (dihetttt)
Athere zoni jem ntona
venet o ka nihet
Nese je n club e di
me mu t rrihet
ski nevoj mem than
ppot pelqej se po shiheett ejj.

Ref: (2x) ...
...shetis e ka do qe vi
kejt e din jom v.i.p
nClub si bauss un hi
dej n`5 t'mengjes jasht um ki.

Visari :

EJ ti pe din kush ma tmirt jon
kceni nalt dilni posht qoni durt tonn
EJ ti pe din kush ma tmirt jon
kceni nalt dilni posht qoni durt tonn
V.I.P ke mu nii nese
mu um ki ma ngat
i'm hot djegi secillen nat
hajde n ven temin nese
don mu ni ma privat
me dasht e qeli n secilin qytet
ka 1 club.
nKoncerte vi kur e kry
ëm Lusin pLoot.
ton naten e vesin
a je per jakusi Op
qka ke menu ti sod
sjom shum llëpjusikëp
Veres e mushi bazentin
femra edhe ja fusim nott
wow krejt na bojn sa her
live na shohin
na njohin se as
ne telivizion
nuk ndryshojm
jeten e kom si spot
kongen hip-hop
Shpesh n airoport
edhe rrugen e marr n 'club
skom nevoj mem nimu
ma i miri n 'rep
krejt senet um vin vet si
1... 2.... 3... KREJT I KOM

Ref: shetis e ka do qe vi
krejt e din jom v.i.p
nClub si bauss un hi
dej n5 mengjes jasht um ki (2x)..

Thirrum ën 049
numrat tjer sti jap
se e di qe ti vet i gjan
thirrum ën 049
thirr shlir sa su bo von nesse don e para n`rreth temin ti me kon

Ref: (2x)..
shetis e ka do qe vi
kejt e din jom v.i.p
nClub si bauss un hi
dej n`5 n`mengjes jasht um ki