
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

<3Sunnuntai 27.05.2007 15:46

Put your hands on me
I wanna feel the hungry fingers on my skin
LetÂ’s see how you love me
I wanna make you a mess inside

Put your hands on me
I wanna feel the fever and the beat inside you
When you look me with those eyes
You say you wanna be all mine

Put your lips against my ear
I wanna hear each and every sound you make
I wanna taste the sweat on your skin
I wanna eat all, it is all mine

Let your fantasies come out
‘cause nothing is too wicked for us tonight
WeÂ’re all joy and lust
We wanna feel each other all inside

And now I Â’m flying high above the sky
And it Â’s all because of you
I got a feeling in my heart
My life can really start
And it Â’s all because of you

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