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Siskojen välistä <3 *virn*Torstai 18.05.2006 01:02

My big sister is the best of all the sisters in the world.
She says enjoying of the life is the main thing.
I agree with her.
She's standing by me when I've got hard times,
I like about her presence.
Even if I fight with her sometimes
it's pretty easy to make friends.

&lt;virne&gt; Meeku aattelee must varmaan näin suurimman osan ajasta &lt;vink&gt;&lt;sydän&gt;


Välillä myös ehkä näin...

My big sister is the foolest, dummest girl I've ever seen yeah
She is so selfish, irritating, don't you see what I mean.
She is a target of my hate 'n' hate is growing every day.
I will get rid of her 'n' price won't matter,
I will find the way.


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