


aikoo myöla lamppu ja uoda selvänä.

SomethingKeskiviikko 15.08.2012 00:19

Pick an artist: The Beatles
Answer the following questions with the lyrics or the song titles by the artist you picked.

1. Male or female?: Girl.
2. Describe yourself: He's a real nowhere man / Sitting in his Nowhere Land / Making all his nowhere plans for nobody.
3. What do the others think about you?: Who put all those things in your head? / Things that make me feel that I'm mad.
4. What do you think about yourself?: I'm a loser / And I'm not what I appear to be.
5. Describe the boyfriend/girlfriend of your dreams: Through thick and thin she will always be my friend.
7. Where would you like to be/to go?: Across the universe.
8. What would you want to do?: I'd like to be under the sea / In an octopus's garden with you.
9. Describe the way you live: I get by with a little help from my friends.
10. How do you love?: I want her everywhere / And if she's beside me I know I need never care / But to love her is to need her everywhere / Knowing that love is to share.
11. What would you want to say to your crush?: Imagine I'm in love with you / It's easy 'cause I know.
12. If you had one request, what would you ask for?: Take a sad song and make it better.
13. Share words of wisdom with us: Try to realize it's all within yourself / No-one else can make you change / And to see you're really only very small / And life flows on within you and without you.
14. Say goodbye: Now it's time to say good night / Good night / Sleep tight.

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