


All of them rusty old volvos <3

Niimpä:')Tiistai 28.09.2010 01:03

Why do we close our eyes when we pray? When we cry? When we dream? Or when we kiss? Because we know that the most beautiful things in life are not seen, but felt by heart.

Näin..Keskiviikko 03.03.2010 22:52

1. Sä voisit vaikka illalla mennä ulos ystäviesi kanssa,
kun mä menen käymään Ikeassa ja haen sen uuden kaapin, kasaan sen
ihan parissa tunnissa.
2. Oikeastaan hänen rintansa ovat minusta aivan liian isot.
3. Ei aavistustakaan, missä olemme. Avataan auton ikkuna
ja kysytään tuolta mieheltä ohjeet.
4. Se punainen näytti sinulla aika hyvältä, mutta eihän tässä
ole kiirettä kokeillaan useampaa kauppaa, voit rauhassa valita
minkä haluat
5. Tänään tulee ensi-iltaan uusi leffa, jossa on Brad Bitt
haluaisitko mennä katsomaan?
6. Hei voinko tuoda sinulle jotain, kun käyn keittiössä?
7. Ei, nyt ei mene alas enää yhtään ainutta tuoppia.
8. Muistathan, että tiistaina on vanhempainilta ja
meidän on hyvä mennä sinne ajoissa.
9. Kirjoitin kaikki joulukortit. Tekisinkö listan hankittavista lahjoista?
10. Puhuttiin töissä työkaverin kanssa, heillä on vaimon kanssa ongelmia.
Sanoin, että ammattimainen parisuhdeneuvonta olisi nyt
heille paras ratkaisu.
11. Katsos, saatiin kutsu sun serkkusi häihin. Tänne mennään!!!
12. Näytähän ensin niitä käyttöohjeita..
13. Olisi kiva piipahtaa anoppilassa.milloin mahtaisimme
14. Peruutin saunailtaan menemiseni koska firma lupasi tarjota
ilmaiset viinat ja juon kuitenkin ihan liikaa siellä
15. Olisi mukavaa hieman imuroida täällä asunnossa.. taidanpa hakea
imurin heti.
16. Tuo naapurin 19-vuotias tyttö keikkuu alasti taas
tuolla..suljenpa verhot.
17. Kulta, melko edullisia nämä sinun uudet vaatteesi..
Voisimme ehkä huomenna käydä shoppailemassa niitä lisää?
18. Katso vaan Kauniita ja Rohkeita.. toiselta kanavalta
tuleekin vain jotain moottoriurheilua.
19. Ai tyttöjen ilta? No kiva.. voinkin heti alkaa
siivota täällä ja haenko kaupasta teille vähän "snäksiä"?
20. Eihän meidän tarvi nyt rakastella.. voimme katsoa
sitten viikon päästä uudestaan jos päänsärkysi on hellittänyt.

WOHOO!Torstai 25.02.2010 09:25


<3Torstai 14.01.2010 21:12

Onnea veljelle ajokortista! (:


(c) by Martzin.Maanantai 28.12.2009 02:00

When the day turned red, happines and joy made a river in our backyard . I't wasn't just a fantacy, it was a feeling. Tomorrow comes a new day, they say, But i hadn't experienced it. The way you made me feel that one single day, was a easy feeling, but the second day It became scary.
What could have happened to you, u never tell, where could u have been, u couldn't tell, when are you coming back, u r
still there.. where u have gone?
That feeling, second day feeling, how could i describe it, i tried to be happy, i tried to laugh, but i just couldn't get that sad, caring feeling away. I could cry, u could take me to tears, but i wont, i wont untill i know that you are 0k.
Its not time to cry, its holiday.. I just want to know where u r, and when are u coming back. Every heartbeat i produce inside of me, the heartbeat means that im still alive. Could u come and save me?

Onnellista joulua KAIKILLE! <33333Torstai 24.12.2009 02:01

Snow,santaclaus and reindeers,
Christmas is not time for tears,
Its time for giving and reciving,
Time for unexpected achieving,
Time for happines and joy,
Time for ham and O'Boy.
You're going to remember me at christmas? Dont bother,
Merry chistmas, its all we need between eachother.

No one...<33Keskiviikko 02.12.2009 00:03

There are like so many things I want to tell,
So many things I want to explain,
So many words I want to use,
So many fights I want to solve.

U'r not the one be'ing selfish, we are,
U'r not the one to start fights, we are,
U'r not the one to solve ur own problems, we are,
Just think about me, So we could be a single one thing, Love.

I just love u the way u are,
the way u look and talk,
the way u see things in another way,
and the way u see the future.

Eanyone can't change u inside, u r what u r,
Eanyone can't change ur feelings,
Eanyone can't change ur needings,
Ur dreams and wishes,
Ur unexpected hugs and kisses.

Saigon Feat. Lokz-Fatherhood:

It's crazy coz'..when I look at you, it's like.. it's like, it's like..hehe, its like I'm looking at me..(it's) like looking at me.
Saigon getty. You got your father lips, you got your fathers nose, you got your fathers eyes,
and I ain't suprised to see that's the part that gloes. Can't wait you watch you grow, so much I can't sit still.
Can't wait to teach you to fly a kite,and ride a bike without the traning wheel. You'll see some things as well,
life could be so cruel, but I'll be right there every step in the way, yes baby I promise you.
I'll be the dead of my..wasn't, gotta be responsible and that does it. And a house without the court, I cut it.
The more I live it, the more I love it.

Oh yes, It's fatherhood. Do everything that father should. Promise raise you well from k to 12,
you run to the collage, good. And if your gonna come home from the pram late,
you know dad's gonna f*ck up your pram date. (
You got your fathers teeth. You got your fathers feet.
I know you got your fathers heart, and thats the heart that beat. I wanted a boy, but you came.
But no pleasure will measure your brain.
Wanted a boy but you came, no pleasure will measure show your brain,brain..


Rain on me.. There will be sunshine, be sunshine..just rain on me..I'll be there for you..
Just rain on me...Wait for the sunrise, rain's gotta fall, I'll be there thru it all, and the pain, I'll be right by your side.

I'll apologize..I've got up my ways,but I just gotta hustle babe - so you dont have to.
So many things that I've been trying to change, so I can be the man you look after to (Do wanna be aware)
After show you want (I'll show you I care), When someone breakes your heart, I'll be right there.
If their tryin' to hurt you, Just remember, ( Theres no man that deseves you)
[ I'll be the only thing you need babygirl, I promise]


Rain DR. Your my savior. The second you was born I swear there was tree chicks was dabblein to the floor. (?)
Let me slow those down..I need to notice now..I rap, rob, chake, bait, whatever makes it to hold us down.
And it might sound clishe, but I'm lovin' you more each day. You don't know me, Your mother don't clad,
it's just have been us two whatever she say.
Thats fatherhood, your my prove that god is good,
and when the day turn grey, I'm not staying away, I just pray from god it would.
