


On tullut selväksi, ettei asiasta selvitä puhumalla

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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 11.07.2010 21:24

1. When here now for 10 years. Oh, it feels like eternity.
Hope has turned into fear, I think I'm losing my sanity.
Staring at the picture of you, my so belowed family.
Tomorrow I ainÂ’t here no more. No, you won't be missing me.

Oh, please dear God if you're alive, give me my redemption.

The last walk, the longest walk, the hardest walk, I have to walk it through.

Now I'm waiting for the time, for the moment they will take me to the chair of death.
And I know there is a light up ahead but I can't see it from this cell.
Oh, I'm not afraid to die, I'm just afraid of leaving you.
I have to pay for my crimes. I have to give my life for you.

Oh, please dear God if you're alive, give me my redemption.


Now I've finally got redemption. The road is clean from the stains of my past.
I will find the right direction. And I have paid all my dues at last.
So, if you've got some hope for better then you know,
that hope is the best thing in this world.
And no good things ever die.

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